True Love


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True Love


I Loved You When You Were Bald!

When traumatic illness strikes, the changes in your life are dramatic and oftentimes too stressful for relationships to survive. By the grace of God, such was not the case for us. My brain aneurysm and subsequent brain surgery only seemed to strengthen the love and devotion that my partner shared with me.

My beloved, Keith, not only stayed with me but cared for me in ways that only your better half can do. He had to take on the daily home tasks of cooking, cleaning and laundry while providing for my daily routine of bathing, eating and therapy. The strain was at times overwhelming, and at best, exhausting. He never complained. He never objected. He stayed with me and prayed for me through it all - the best and worst of times.

The hardest shock of overcoming the brain surgery occurred when I first saw my reflection in the mirror. My once, long brown locks of hair were gone. Replaced by a railroad track scar that stretched the entire length of my scalp. Lumps of skin, still pink from the surgery, pierced my appearance. This was in stark contrast to the full mane of enviable, wavy hair that I use to have. I could not believe that I was bald! It took several months, but slowly the hair grew back.

The seasons changed and as summer approached, the thought of getting a stylish haircut seemed to lift my sagging spirits. Keith and I had gone camping for the weekend and were sitting at the campfire as I turned to ask him, "Honey, should I get a haircut?"

I will never forget the look in his eyes as they filled with tears. He leaned his face towards mine and touched my lips as he said, "You're asking the wrong guy. I loved you when you were bald."

Philemon 1:7, "Your love has given me great joy and encouragement"

Oh that we should always remember to love and encourage one another!

Overcoming Failures
I have observed that extreme failures end up becoming extreme successes in life. Majority of the people who are succeeding today, once failed woefully. They were so overwhelmed by failure that the only alternative they had was to either fight back or give in, and at that point they fought and won. They got mad with failure and reacted violently against it, now their names are all over the world as successful people. Meanwhile, there are others who are comfortable with average life, they put up very little or no resistance because they are simply not aware that a place awaits them at the top. If you want to make a mark in life, you must be prepared to go beyond the average; see failure as a cheat that must be revenged upon.
Failure is never final! As a matter of fact, it has a way of instigating those who want to be instigated for success; those who will not surrender but would rather fight back with their last breath. That is why what some people call failure, is what others use as raw material for success.
Winning is not for the gentle! You have to become a man of vengeance when it comes to dealing with failure. Stop commending yourself for having tried. Nobody gets a pass for the number of times he has attempted an examination! Most people who breakthrough in life, almost broke down at a time but they refused to give in, and at that point they broke through. You need to develop such a life style. You may be on the floor right now, beaten, battered and being called a failure, but you can accomplish everything that Satan has said you will never accomplish in life.
Stop Recounting Your Past Failures: God is not counting your past failures, so stop recounting them! Forget the things that are behind and press towards the mark that is set before you (Phil. 3:13-14). Those who think of the past soon pass away with it. Failure is an event, so let it pass away like any other event.
React Against Your Circumstance: It is reaction that gives birth to revolution. Many people remain failures because they have not come to a point of reaction. If you must revenge on failure then you must hate to fail. Get mad at your circumstances rather than being intimidated by them! Say to failure, “You have cheated me up till now, but no more!” Because, until you address failure, you can’t arrest it. You should get jealous over the issues of your life and ask yourself thought provoking questions – “For how long will I continue to suffer? How long will I be on the floor?” Until Jacob reacted and said, When shall I provide for mine own house also? he remained a failure in Laban’s house (Gen. 30:30). If at forty years you are still living from hand to mouth, you should be angry! Before you celebrate your next birthday ask yourself, “What achievements can I point to in my life?” The reason is that life is celebrated on the basis of achievements not longevity, that is why nobody ever tells you, “Long lived!” It is rather, “Well done!”
Note however, that I am not asking you to react against people or God but against issues; against the circumstances that have kept you on the floor. Be determined to prove those circumstances wrong and refuse to let Satan place a mark of failure on you.
Be A Thinker:
It takes mental reaction to make advancement in life. The Prodigal Son was rescued from a life of hunger and nakedness when he “came to himself” through thinking and reasoning. He said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! (Lk. 15:-17). You need to reason! Think! Ask yourself, how can I wear the emblem of a ‘Winner’ on my car and door but I live like a pauper?” Do something about your life, start thinking! Thoughts are powerful, they are agents of reaction. Often times, it is your reaction that moves God into action on your behalf. Your help normally comes at the point where you take a step.
Find Out What Others Are Doing To Succeed:
Ask questions, make observations. As you listen to people who have made it and learn their principles, you strengthen and enrich your bank of thoughts. You know, the mind of a man is a bank for information, and just as you go to a commercial bank to withdraw what you have deposited in your account, you can withdraw success ideas from your mind when you have deposited relevant information in it. So, it is important that you read books and listen to tapes. When you build up your information bank, it becomes a natural thing for you to react against failure and keep moving forward.
Comply Consistently With Instruction
Many people do not have problems receiving instructions, they only have problems applying them. God’s word says, If you will diligently hearken… The word ‘diligently’ means to be consistent, which suggests that if you try it the first time, you may not get it. So, what do you do? You review it, find out the point where you missed it and then start again and keep at it till you get it. The Bible says, “And having a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled” (2 Cor. 10:6). You cannot revenge on failure when you have not fulfilled the laws of success. Remember Isaac’s story in Genesis 26, when the Philistines covered up his wells, he continued digging until he got to Rehoboth – a place of enlargement. You never experience such a breakthrough without consistently applying yourself to the things you have learnt.
The Bible validates this truth in Galatians 6:9 thus, “You shall reap in due season if you faint not.” Failure is temporal, it is not programmed to last, it will give way if you consistently and persistently resist it. And that means, refuse to change your language or your approach, only improve on them. It may take time but stay at it, soon, you will emerge the winner. Peace, in Jesus name!

That Long Awaited Snowfall
"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee." -Psalm 56:3 (KJV)

Snow! Snow! Snow!
For several days the weather channel had been predicting snow for our area of the state. Maybe even two or three inches. Since snow is something that we seldom see, the grandchildren were very excited. Perhaps they would even get a snow day from school.

At last the day arrived! That long awaited snowfall was to be here. Day became night and the radar showed the snow was all around us. Every few minutes one of the grandchildren would open the door and peek out to see if the white stuff was falling.

Finally, I knew from their excited voices they could see snow! Everyone went running out in the yard so they could actually feel it. One of them had on socks. The other two were barefoot. No coats, no shoes, no hats – they didn’t care. For a fleeting moment they were allowed to take in with their eyes, noses and mouths those snowflakes rarely seen in this part of the country.

Three year-old Brooke, who probably had only seen pictures of snow, but never the glistening white flakes falling from the sky, came running back in the house.

Sensing fear in her voice, she snuggled up to me sitting on the sofa and said, "Grandma, I am afraid"!

Thinking it was all the noise and hoopla the other three grandchildren were making, I gathered her close and explained it was just the beautiful snow they were exclaiming over.

Brooke proceeded to tell me, "Grandma, I know all about that snow, it is the dark that makes me afraid!"

I cuddled her even closer and thanked God she felt safe from the dark in the arms of her grandmother. Next, I asked God to help us teach her that the arms of Jesus are even more secure than the ones that physically held her that night.

May Brooke always know that when she is afraid she can put her trust in God. Whether it be a dark, snowy, wintry night are the fears that sometimes appear in the bright sunshine of the day, God tells us from His Holy Word that when we are afraid we are to trust in Him.

Thank you, Lord, for that reminder from my precious granddaughter as she discerned fear on a cold snowy night.

Good Intentions
I can remember back a few years when our children were 10, 9, 7, and 4. We planned a family vacation and the main attraction was the Grand Canyon, in Arizona. For several months before the event we looked up interesting things to do while there. One adventurous thing caught everyone's imagination. Climb down the Bright Angel Trail to the bottom - a trail of switch backs reaching a mile straight down!

We talked about it and decided that the three oldest children and I would take the plunge while mother and baby waited securely at the top for our return.

The anticipation was with us day and night for weeks before the trip. How would we do this? How big was the trail? Would we need water with us? What about food? All kinds of insecure thoughts ran through our minds. What if we never came back? What's down there?

The excitement and consternation grew and grew as we neared the National Park in our van. Finally, we had arrived. Now we had to check for supplies: food, water, snacks, water, backpacks, more water and more snacks.

The troop was ready. Away we went, waving goodbye to mom and baby as we descended into the depths of the Grand Canyon. The anticipation was over and now the follow through.

Obviously, by my writing this we did go down and come back up (only about half way). Our trip was over not long after it began when we ran out of snacks and food - never did drink the water! When the snacks and food were gone, so was the interest of the children! "Good intentions but poor follow through".

This trip reminds me of a plan I once had to pray and read the Bible. I remember many years ago after becoming a Christian that with great enthusiasm I wanted to read the bible, cover to cover. But as soon as I started all kinds of distractions caused me to get side tracked. The dog needed attention, one of the children had an ear ache, the car didn't work or the old stand by -- the grass needed to be cut. "Good intentions but poor follow through".

What helped me turn the corner on prayer and bible study was establishing a priority in my life to stop and listen. What I was always trying to do with my "good intentions" was manipulate my time to accommodate prayer and bible study after everything else was done. You know, it took me years to figure out that all I had to do was create a priority to stop and listen. Once I learned that lesson praying and studying the bible became the fruit of an enjoyable time with the Lord.